Lindsey Kirkland Climate Generation Minneapolis, Roles at NAAEE Languages Interests User Activity Action - Any -New contentNew commentNew like Content type - Any -BlogCollectioneePRO Post Category - Any -LearningOpportunityResource Lindsey Kirkland created The Teach Climate Network's Summer Institute on February 20, 2025. Lindsey Kirkland created Teach Climate Network Workshop: Making Climate Science Matter: Expanding the Use and Reach of the Fifth National Climate Assessment on January 15, 2025. Lindsey Kirkland created Teach Climate Network Workshop: Building Energy Detectives: Using Your Building as an Energy Education Tool on December 19, 2024. Lindsey Kirkland created Teach Climate Network Workshop: Green jobs and green skills: What are they and how can I help my students get some? on November 8, 2024. Lindsey Kirkland created Teach Climate Network Workshop: No Interest, No Problem: Strategies to Engage Teens in Climate Action in Their Communities on October 24, 2024. eePRO Groups